Legal analysis of the advanves of surrogacy en Mexico


  • Mónica Rossana Zárate Apak
  • Hilda Mayleth López Cruz Universidad La Salle Oaxaca



Surrogate motherhood, human rights, reproductive rights, responsible motherhood, Rule of Law


The new family dynamics that occur in Mexico force us to study the aspects of motherhood, especially when we observe marriages made up of people of the same sex from a human rights perspective, for which surrogacy is available as a possibility that allows them access and realize a life project that includes children, in the same way this legal figure gives the same possibilities of motherhood to people with fertility problems, and singles who seek to make reproductive rights a reality, which in light of the constitution and the principle of equality and non-discrimination is available with the possibility of paternity or maternity. The law has the obligation to generate good conditions to generate these family achievements legally, and, therefore, to prevent clandestinity and the black market in matters of sexuality and reproduction. In short, surrogacy allows motherhood to be carried out in a completely responsible way, given that it has the full support of the Rule of Law.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Rossana Zárate Apak,

Director of the House of Legal Culture in Oaxaca of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. Doctorate in Law at the Carbonell Center for Legal Studies. She has a Master in Criminal Law from the Universidad Iberoamericana, a Master in Social and Political Communication and a Master in Constitutional and Administrative Law from the Universidad La Salle, Oaxaca. She is the author and co-author of various publications.

Hilda Mayleth López Cruz, Universidad La Salle Oaxaca

Responsible for the Master's Degrees in Tax, Constitutional and Administrative Law at the La Salle University Oaxaca. Master in Law and Criminal Law, Expert in Dactyloscopy, Graphoscopy, Forensic Ballistics and Documentoscopy, Business Trainer, Certified in oral trials by USAID, International Certified Coiler from the IALU of the La Salle Universities, undergraduate and graduate teacher at La Salle Oaxaca, author and co-author of various publications.


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How to Cite

Zárate Apak, M. R., & López Cruz, H. M. (2024). Legal analysis of the advanves of surrogacy en Mexico. Nomos: Procesalismo Estratégico, 1(1), 147–162.