Unconstitutionality in the provisional arrest and the pre-trial detention in the Mexican law system


  • Sandra Itzel Tello López Universidad La Salle Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México https://orcid.org/0009-0007-8377-3795
  • Leonardo David García Cervantes Universidad La Salle Oaxaca




Pre-trial detention, precautionary measures, provisional arrest, unconstitutionality, human rights


In this article, the framework of contemporary legal systems will be analyzed, the protection of the fundamental rights of individuals, which is fundamental in democracy and the rule of law. In Mexico, the measures of roots and informal preventive detention have been the subject of strong criticism regarding their consistency with the Constitution and the high violation of human rights. This analysis explores the unconstitutionality of these practices, considering their impact on fundamental rights, relevant jurisprudence and the need for legal reforms.


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Author Biography

Leonardo David García Cervantes, Universidad La Salle Oaxaca

Bachelor Degree in Law student at Universidad La Salle Oaxaca.


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How to Cite

Tello López, S. I., & García Cervantes, L. D. (2025). Unconstitutionality in the provisional arrest and the pre-trial detention in the Mexican law system. Nomos: Procesalismo Estratégico, 2(3), 129–146. https://doi.org/10.29105/nomos.v2i3.26