Private life and the right to identity in the entertainment society


  • Aida del Carmen San Vicente Parada Universidad Westhill-Universidad La Salle Oaxaca



right to private life, right to privacy, artificial intelligence, false news, social networks


The information and knowledge era is also the era of media manipulation, which has never been so efficient and has never been as widespread as today, since any Internet user can spread false news, defame, insult, discriminate and cancel others, this without the companies that are behind paying a fifth. The indiscriminate spread of false news denounces: a frivolous culture, a society that only compulsively reproduces information -bordering on the maniacal-, that only childishly attends to what it wants to hear, that does not unfold its full potential because it acts with mental laziness, It does not want to seek information or compare it, blindly reproduces and frivolously grants the quality of truth to everything that appears in the media, before taking responsibility, it reveals in itself the infantilization of the society of the spectacle. The foregoing is not only a social problem, but a legal problem that must seek solutions to the violation of the right to private life and privacy; Its objective is to build a citizenship that guards and defends its rights and is obliged not to interfere with the rights of others.


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How to Cite

San Vicente Parada, A. del C. (2024). Private life and the right to identity in the entertainment society. Nomos: Procesalismo Estratégico, 1(1), 105–126.