Abstractivization of concrete control or concretization of abstract control?





Constitutional Control, Constitutional Courts, Rationalization, Unconstitutionality Control, Abstract Constitutionality Control


The legal-constitutional transformations have generated strong changes in constitutional control, moving from a more formalistic vision that gave greater importance to legal validity than to criteria of interpretation and legal argumentation such as those currently carried out via constitutional control that grants great value to the constitution and international treaties, which consequently allows the decisions of the constitutional courts to acquire another dimension that has allowed the appearance of constitutional precedents, which have had a strong impact on the work of the judiciary, coupled with the new visions of interpretation and factuality that are observed in the constitutional sphere and that are having a strong influence, opening new parameters of understanding in the legal phenomenon with strong repercussions on the rule of law and its current dynamics.


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How to Cite

Marinoni, L. G. (2024). Abstractivization of concrete control or concretization of abstract control?. Nomos: Procesalismo Estratégico, 1(1), 19–44. https://doi.org/10.29105/nomos.v1i1.1